With a bit of sewing it
With a bit of sewing it could be modified to fit just about anyone, if you wanted to go to the trouble. In terms of comparing this mask to a head harness, the band is a two point connection and would be more stable if it had three or four points (a second elastic band, a strap around the top of the head, etc) to keep it fixed and stable around the head. The mask is unlikely to slip on a person who is staying still, in heavy bondage perhaps, but a head harness is better if you want to blind someone over the course of vigorous movement. You are paying for the cock rings fact that malpractice and liability in a lawsuit happy society has made it outrageously expensive to deliver heath care. All the new stuff being added certainly doesn help. You are too wise a person to fall into that simplistic, low information voter trap of "blame the doctor" mindset. The stroke victims in the study were broken into two groups: Those who had evidence of silent strokes and those who did not....